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The James K. Polk plugin collection contains 23 plugins for LightWave 3D. It is currently shipping, and is available only directly from Worley Laboratories. Visit our orders page to learn how to get your own copy of the software.

We have over 25 animations showing the plugins in action. Most of the plugins have their own page (listed below) describing their features.

Acid: A shader allowing you to change a surface's texture and bump mapping based on effectors.
Poke: An effector displacement plugin with history
Blink: Automates irregular but periodic motion
Parent: Allows dynamic parenting of objects and bones over time
PhaseLink: Allows easy control of complex cycled motion
Lens: Corrects or adds lens distortions to LW imagery
Wheelie: Automatically rotates wheels
Speedlimit: Forces objects to stay within defined speeds
Track: Allows any object to align any axis to point at any other item
Limiter: Restricts object movement to prevent out of bounds motions
Dangle: Automatically animates dangling chains, ropes, and cables
Flexor: Allows smooth, dynamic bending of objects
Diffuse: Gas-like diffusion of particles over time
HSVBoost: Surface shader allowing hue, saturation, and value manipulation
Enviro: Makes QTVR maps, also spherical, cubical, and orthogonal views of your scene
VFog: Ultra-fast ground fog
DropShadow: Simple 2D blurred shadows
Confusion: Renders depth of field circle of confusion maps
Whip: A simple physics simulator for adding dynamic hinges and joints
Miscellaneous: 10 more bonus plugins!

The James K. Polk plugin collection comes with a full size printed manual, including over 50 scene files with examples showing the plugins in action.

The James K. Polk plugin collection requires LightWave version 5.0 or greater.

Polk is available only directly from Worley Labs, at a price of $199 for Intel and $299 for Sun and DEC Alpha versions. This includes unlimited rendering via ScreamerNet. James K. Polk is shipping now! Visit our Order page for further information.

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